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“谦之”学术讲坛之九十-Recent Studies on Control and Signal Processing with Applications for

作者: 时间:2024-07-26 点击数:

报告题目:Recent Studies on Control and Signal Processing with Applications for

Autonomous Driving Systems

报告人:Ju H. Park院士Yeungman University






Ju H. Parkreceived the Ph.D. degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang,Republic of Korea, in 1997. From May 1997 to February 2000, he was a Research Associate inEngineering Research Center-Automation Research Center, POSTECH. He joined Yeungnam University, Kyongsan, Republic of Korea, in March 2000, where he is currently the Chuma Chair Professor. He is a coauthor of the monographs Recent Advances in Control and Filtering of Dynamic Systems with Constrained Signals (New York, NY, USA: Springer-Nature, 2018) and Dynamic Systems With Time Delays: Stability and Control (New York, NY, USA: Springer-Nature, 2019) and is an Editor of an edited volume Recent Advances in Control Problems of Dynamical Systems and Networks (New York: Springer-Nature, 2020). His research interests include robust control and filtering, neural/complex networks, fuzzy systems, multiagent systems, and chaotic systems. He has published a number of articles in these areas.

Since 2015, he has been a recipient of the Highly Cited Researchers Award by Clarivate Analytics (formerly, Thomson Reuters) and listed in three fields, Engineering, Computer Sciences, and Mathematics, in 2019-2022. He is a Receiving Editor/Subject Editor/Advisory Editor/Associate Editor of several international journals, including Nonlinear Dynamics, Journal of The Franklin Institute, Franklin Open, Applied Mathematics and Computation, IET Control Theory & Applications, Engineering Reports, Cogent Engineering, the IEEE TRANSACTION ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, the IEEE TRANSACTION ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, and the IEEE TRANSACTION ON CYBERNETICS. Prof. Park is a Fellow of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST).


This talk introduces the research activities in the areas of control and signal processing of the “Advanced Nonlinear Dynamics and Control” laboratory at Yeungnam University in the Republic of Korea.

The primary purpose is to look at various research topics currently being carried out and share ideas through some of the latest results covered in this laboratory in those areas.

First, we introduce several case studies applied to practical industrial models of control schemes that have recently been in the spotlight.

Next, especially concerning autonomous driving systems, we will see control applications for active suspension systems, which are often applied to automobile models for control problems.

Finally, we look into case studies on signal processing for LiDAR and camera sensors, which play an essential role in autonomous driving.


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